To put it simply, “God made us to know Him and enjoy Him forever” as we learn to experience his grace. God’s grace can be described as a special, unmerited favor that He shows everyone.
God reveals his grace personally to those who believe in Jesus Christ (John 1:12). Enjoying his grace does not come by doing things to deserve it, but instead, we live in response to what He has done for us through Christ. It is a life lived in gratitude!
Individually and as a church body, we want to grow in the life changing knowledge and devotion to Jesus Christ. We do this primarily through 4 areas of focus.
- Worship – to declare the “worth-ship” of Jesus Christ both corporately and in our individual lives.
- Bible Study – to grow in knowledge through God’s inspired word.
- Fellowship – sharing the love and blessings of God’s grace with each other.
- Missions – sharing God’s love to those in need locally and in other parts of the world.