Upcoming Events

The Chosen Season 4 Study

Monday's Starting September 16th - 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

“God’s Goodness for the Chosen” Videos and Bible-Based Discussions will begin on Monday, September 16th from 6:00 – 7:30 pm in Fellowship Hall.  8 episodes each Monday (except 10/28) final class November 11th. Signup in the Narthex. If you want a Study Book, the cost is $12.00. Both men and women are encouraged to join us and friends and neighbors are also welcome. You will enjoy the powerful depiction of Jesus and His Disciples and learn from relevant Bible verse discussions. If you’d like to attend, but need a ride, please let us know and we’ll make it happen. Contact: Debbie Meagher & Marilyn Carstens.

Stretch, Strengthen & Flow FitNess Class

Starting Monday, September 23rd - 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

8 week Fall session of Stretch, Strengthen & Flow ladies exercise begins  Sep 23 - Nov 13.  Mondays & Wednesdays from 1:00 - 2:00 pm in Fellowship Hall.  All levels welcome. Leader: Susan Unger

FCA Luncheon at Faith Lutheran Church

Friday, October 4th - 12:00 pm to 1:15 pm

Support youth faith development. Luncheon for South Central Arkansas FCA. Cost is $6.00 paid at the door.  RSVP to Dane at Dane@searchcommercial.com or call/text 214-682-9005. Contact: Debbie Meagher

Women's Bible Study

Tuesday, October 8th - 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm

A 7-week study taught by 6 different Bible teachers, each one using a different prayer or prayers from The Word to help us grow in our understanding of this vital Christian discipline.  Meeting Tuesdays from 1:00-2:30 in our Fellowship Hall classroom.  Books are $25 and include a link to watch the videos at home.  Contact:  Marilyn Carstens


Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study

Saturday, October 12th - 8:30 am to 10:00 am

The men enjoy cooking and eating breakfast in Fellowship Hall followed by Bible Study led by Pastor Randy. Plan to join us. Contact: Pastor Randy

Samaritan Ministries Dinner & Message

Wednesday, October 23rd - 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Christian-based Rescue Mission for homeless men. Volunteers are needed to serve dinner once a month in their kitchen. Contact: Chuck Blandford


Friday, November 1st at Woodlands Auditorium - 7:30 pm

Don't miss this show filled with laughter and fun. Proceeds donated to Adult & Teen Challenge, Fellowship of Christian Athletes & SOZO Recovery Center.  Tickets $35 at hsvticketsales.com. Presented by Woodlands Presbyterian Church.

Contact: Debbie Meagher

1st wed

Potluck Dinner & Bible Teaching

Wednesday, November 6th - 5:27 pm to 7:30 pm

Join us for Fellowship, Food and Bible Teachings by Pastor Randy.

FCA Luncheon at Woodlands Presbyterian Church

Friday, November 8th - 12:00 pm to 1:15 pm

Support youth faith development. Luncheon for South Central Arkansas FCA. Cost is $6.00 paid at the door.  RSVP to Dane at Dane@searchcommercial.com or call/text 214-682-9005. Contact: Debbie Meagher