What We Believe

What We Believe

The Bible isn’t always easy to understand but it is totally sufficient as the complete revelation of His will for salvation and the only truly consistent rule of faith and practice for life. Therefore, all of our core beliefs are found in and drawn from the Word of God.

The Apostle's Creed in a very old version of the Book of Common Prayer (CofE)

Our Core Beliefs

  • Our beliefs about the person and nature of God and the person and nature of man align with historic Christianity as expressed in the Apostles’ Creed.
  • We believe men and women were created by God and find their value in being his image bearers. Mankind was created to worship God and in that, find their fullest expression of humanity.
  • Romans 3 informs us that all have sinned, forsaken God and gone our own way, and thereby fall short of God’s original intent for mankind.
  • Romans 6 reminds us that the penalty of forsaking God is death—both physically and spiritually. God in his grace and mercy sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to live perfectly and die in our place. He conquered the penalty of sin on the cross and by his rising from the grave. Anyone who trusts in the person and work of Christ is redeemed and placed in right relationship with God as their Father. And with his help is able to live and worship Him in the manner for which we were created.

Worship With Us!

Join us every Sunday morning at 9:30 am as we gather and worship the Risen Savior!