The Music at Woodlands
The Music Ministry of Woodlands Presbyterian Church strives to glorify Jesus Christ in all our musical offerings. These include choral works and vocal solos which range from the era of Gregorian Chant to music which has been composed more recently, instrumental music, and sometimes the spoken word.
If you love to sing or play an instrument and are wishing to serve Jesus Christ through the Music Ministry at Woodlands, we would be honored to have you join us. Choir Rehearses Thursdays from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm & sings each Sunday at the 9:30 am service, except in the summer. ~ Soli Deo Gloria

Dr. George Antolik
Director of Music
Dr. Antolik is our Director of Music. He has been in music ministry for 56 years with several Churches and Universities. He is the director of our 20 voice adult choir. His classical education, vast experience, beautiful voice, love of Jesus Christ and effective leadership is exceptional!